A Naturally Blue Beach Table

It is that time of year when the long zinc topped dining table comes back inside for the chilly months. We enjoyed it tremendously out on the deck looking out to Colvos Passage these last 7 months. Now cozy meals inside with lots of flickering votive candles and the fire roaring. Sunday Supper this week had TPS making one of my very favorite things, meatloaf along with mashed potatoes. Comfort food supreme! I set the table all in blue, with lots of natural elements like seagrass, water hyacinth, bamboo and rope from the placemats, glassware, silverware and trivet. Then a sea of blue in all sorts of things, with the hydrangea that were a gift weeks ago still going strong pulling all the blue together. We long to have this table once again filled with friends & family, but we are making the very best of this time to honor the meal, knowing it will be extra meaningful when it is.

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